
The advantage of a large camera shot

The camera’s sensor can record a huge amount of information, and when you capture JPEGs as stills or MPEG video, we are basically putting your trust in the camera to decide on lighting and colours.

Most of the time cameras do well in this. If you’d like to take an instant video of your child’s first attempt to take a bicycle for the first time, and show to your family members and friends, a tiny MPEG video file will do.

Also, you may prefer the convenience and space-saving characteristics of an JPEG for photos of your brand new vehicle for posting on social networks.

However, sometimes we would like more out of our photos as well as video. It is important to gain greater control of the lighting and the colour. We would like to emphasize the fine details of an image, and that is why shooting raw can give an artist the ability to do this.

What exactly is the raw mode?
An image frame that is raw either as a still image or a video image – is in essence an electronic negative. Much like the film negative you’ve used in your darkroom, it includes all the information of your image and you are able to alter it to make effects or emphasize the various components.

Raw files are able to use the complete dynamic range of the sensor, which means the images have a greater scope to adjust if you wish to enhance the detail in the highlights or shadows.

When you work with a raw image, you can take your own decision about lighting, highlights shadows, saturation of colour as well as sharpening, white balance and more.

When you capture JPEGs as well as MPEGs as well as MP4 file, you’re trusting the camera to take the right choices. You are also less able to alter the camera’s choices when you don’t like the way they appear.

Raw video files, on the contrary on the other hand, offer complete, undamaged information. It’s important to note that since you’re receiving lots of data, the the sizes of raw video as well as stills can be quite big.

What is the reason to shoot raw video?
If you record raw uncompressed video with your Panasonic camera, you’ll get every detail that’s coming out of the camera’s sensor. As with stills, compressed raw video offers you complete ability to modify the way the footage appears.

This is why it is possible to shoot video in raw format when filming in mixed lighting or in a transition between lights.

Raw video recording is beneficial when you need to mix footage has been shot at various locations or time of the day.

As you have the ability to alter the appearance of raw footage, it’s a great way to give the films an unique style. In the case of creating a video for your class and would like the look of a film noir the project, shooting it in raw allows you to adjust the brightness and contrast in order to increase the shadows.

Naturally, the large raw video files can be found. For this reason cameras like that of the Panasonic S1H produces raw video via HDMI and then saves it as the Apple ProRes RAW in the Atoms Ninja V 4K HDR monitor recorder.

There’s also a middle possibility. People who record video just occasionally, but who still desire to control the appearance and feeling of the videos may want to strike a balance between total control and convenience. For this the log mode could be your best friend.

A few Panasonic cameras have a recording feature called “log”, which creates a video that has low contrast and saturation. It is possible to edit manually in post-processing so that your footage gets the tone you desire.

Why do we shoot raw images?
As with raw video files raw image files include every bit of information that the camera has, giving the ability to adjust. This is why it is recommended to take stills using raw mode if you plan to alter your photos in the future.

Raw is also a great option when trying to make photographs that are rich in details or color. Raw allows you to use post-production to alter the brightness and contrast of your images and boost these according to your preferences.

It’s important to remember that raw files can record greater amounts in brightness (8-bit JPEGs vs up to 14-bit raw files) This means that you’ll can more easily tease the details and textures and also adjust tones. A more refined gradation of tone that are present in raw files can also produce better prints.

Similar to videographers, you are a visual artist with a style that is distinctive to you, or you’re taking a sequence of photos with a consistent appearance, then raw files can help customize each photo with the same appearance and feel.

It’s a good rule of thumb that you should set the Panasonic camera to capture JPEG plus Raw images. That means when taking quick casual photos that JPEGs would be the best choice, make sure you can backup your raw files in case you truly like some of the photos and wish to view different ways in post-processing.

Perhaps the most important reason to shoot raw images is the process that’s non-destructive of editing the images. If you modify an image in raw format but you’re not altering the file. In effect, you’re creating a list of directions for your application to save an image of the file in JPEG. Your raw image will be there.

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