
What should I do when using a camera for the first time

If you’ve stepped over the horizon of cameras and camera phones cameras to purchase the first camera that is truly serious, it’s likely that you’re wondering what you need to know before taking your first picture using the camera. If you’ve opened the package of the second to a large number of cameras, chances are you’ve not remembered what are the primary keys for the setup of a camera it’s first try.

Whatever camp you are in In this article, we’ll go over important steps you must follow in setting up your camera your first time, so that you’re ready to shoot.

  1. Charge your battery
    Before you begin doing any thing with your camera you must charge the battery. If the camera comes with a charger for batteries, place the battery inside the charger and then connect it to the mains outlet to charge it.

A growing number cameras’ batteries charge through A USB connection. In some situations, there’s not a battery charger inside the package with the camera. If this is the situation for you, then put your battery into your camera and locate an appropriate cable within the box for connecting the camera to an USB charge port.

02 Format the memory card.
However, even if you own the latest camera as well as an entirely new memory card is a great idea to format the memory card when you’ve placed it into the camera.

When you format your card, it erases everything there on it. It also makes it prepared to work using the camera.

If using an older card with images or other files ensure that you’ve downloaded everything prior to put the card into the camera, and then format it.

For formatting the memory card, just hit the camera’s menu button Find the Format button and follow the directions on the screen.

Format, vs. erase memory card: Which one to utilize and at what time

03 Choose the image quality and the size
If you want to make maximum value from your camera. So, use the menus of your camera to change the quality of the images to Highest or Extra Fine Quality JPEG after which you can change the resolution to large.

Perhaps you’re wondering, will this not make more space on the memory card I’ve recently changed the format? Yes, it will! It’s true that you’ll use up the storage capacity But isn’t that why you purchased the DSLR or an interchangeable lens camera for superior quality pictures?

Try making your own raw images, should you wish to. They can be more detailed and, in general, produce better result, however, they will need to be processed and then converted into Jpegs before sharing the files.

Nowadays, the raw conversion software you receive for free in your camera’s box can be downloaded via the form of a download, not inside the case. Take a look at the documentation inside the box, or go to the site of the manufacturer to locate the appropriate URL.

There are also other image editing programs like Capture One Pro, DxO Optics Pro or Photoshop Elements however, you’ll have to ensure the raw images from your camera are compatible.

It is possible to set up the camera’s new function to shoot raw as well as JPEG pictures simultaneously. It is recommended at this point that you not just take raw images solely.

04 Adjust the Sensitivity (ISO)
The sensitivity setting, and ISO setting, will determine the amount of light your camera will require to take photographs.

Higher sensitivity settings like ISO 6400 can be useful for photography in dark conditions however, the more you increase the ISO setting is, the greater blurring will appear in your photos. The lowest settings in the ISO range will produce high-quality photographs, but can only be utilized when there’s plenty of lighting.

At the beginning of your journey into photography, it’s best to adjust the camera’s sensitivity to auto and let your camera determine which setting is the best.

05 Adjust the white balance
Similar to the sensitivity of your camera, its automated white balance (AWB) setting may be your best option for this point. The camera you have is usually precise and will produce photos that are natural in colour and neutral tones under all different conditions.

After you’ve become more familiar in using the camera’s control features, you’ll be able to start playing with white balance options that have been made for particular lighting circumstances. It is possible to take complete control of the setting and even try an individual value!

While you’re waiting, if your camera’s not delivering what you want in terms of colors Try one of the predefined white balance settings, and then examine the results.

06 Examine the mode of metering.
It is recommended to set your camera for Evaluative, Matrix or Multizone/segment Metering. This is the most general-purpose option that can suggest the best appropriate exposure settings under all conditions.

If you’re using a digital mirrorless camera, the viewfinder as well as screen will show the effects of the camera’s setting that you have selected, to determine whether your image will appear too dark or bright, and then alter the compensation for exposure accordingly.

07 Select the focus mode
The lens can be focused on autopilot making use of the autofocus (AF) method, or it is possible to focus manually by turning the focus ring on the lens using your hands, however you must inform the camera know what method you intend to employ.

When autofocus is set when autofocus is selected, the camera tries to find the subject that can be found under the focus location.

Take a look at the camera’s settings to find an option to change the focus mode on your own either by pressing the menu button, and then find the control for focus mode. There two (or at times, more) focus modes, single Af and Continuous AF (AI Servo on Canon cameras) mode.

This is the time to would suggest setting the camera to the Single-AF mode. This mode will focus the lens once you have half-press on the shutter release.

If there’s an auto AF mode, it’s very useful since the camera can switch into continuous AF mode in the event that it notices that the subject is moving.

08 Change the drive mode
The camera’s drive mode can be essential to know photography of moving subject. Set the drive mode to continuous shooting can allow you to shoot an array of photos quickly (you should change the camera’s settings to Continuous AF mode, too in case your person you’re photographing is moving).

So long as you hold the shutter release button down (or until your buffer or card gets filled) Continuous shooting lets your camera to fire shutters to record images.

If you prefer only one photo at a time, which the majority of circumstances – choose the single-shot option.

09 Choose the mode of exposure
It is probably the most crucial setting. When you set your camera’s settings to Automatic (Auto) as well as program exposure mode allows it to choose what shutter speed as well as aperture setting is the best for your lighting conditions. This is a good alternative for photographers with no experience who wish to focus solely on creating a perfect composition.

But, if you’d like to have more control over your exposure, it might be beneficial to test the camera’s Scene mode choices including Portrait, Landscape or Sports. These settings adjust the lighting and the colour settings to match the specific topic.

In time, as you get more confident and accustomed to using your camera, it is possible to gain greater control using features like shutter and aperture priority options.

In the aperture priority mode you control the aperture and your camera is determining the ideal shutter speed.

Be aware that setting an aperture of a smaller size (which can be represented as an f/number that is large for example, 22 f/22) will result in a lot of depth of field. This can means that a large portion of the image you shoot is in focus.

But, an aperture that is large (which is symbolized by an f/number that is small for example, f/2.8) reduces the field of view so it is only a narrow portion of the image edge of the focus point can be sharp.

Utilizing the same principles that Aperture priority follows, the Shutter priority mode allows you to choose a preferred shutter speed such as to capture a moving subject while the camera determines the best aperture settings.

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